Things we are learning...

Just a few hints as we remember on our journey...
  1. Before you leave sew loops on your towels as it makes it easy to hang them up in the showers so they don't fall and hit the floor (been a blessing for those dodgy hooks we come across).
  2. We hung a curtain up in the middle of the van (using a spring tensioned rod) to divide the van in half to give us our space at night. It works great and enables us to have lights on.
  3. Always try to request a caravan place next to the swings at caravan parks.
  4. Check locations of main roads near caravan parks, and make sure you can be as far away as possible.
  5. Always confirm the price of your park stay (we had a husband and wife miss understanding!)
  6. Always have fly nets in the car, sometimes you just can't tell.
  7. Don't forget to always take your full hose connector with you when you leave the caravan park.
  8. When visiting the beach with Riley & Aiden always take a full set of clothes, even if they say they are not going to get wet!
  9. MMM hooks - when getting into your trip always have a few on hand to put up, they are useful.
  10. Don't forget to let your tyres down (we already new this, but a guy on the beach we met did not do it and we had to lend a hand, it was easy once he put his tyres down).
  11. Keep plenty of change (cash - not use to this) in your ashtray for the park fees, as they don't have any.
  12. Hide change from's the only currency they understand!
  13. Movies for kids in the car are not a good thing, this can be bubblegum for the brain and we have found the view out the window is much better for entertainment.
  14. For overnight stays at caravan parks it is always easier to not unhook as it makes for a quick exit the next morning (ask at the park if it is possible to have a spot were you can do this).
  15. Lego .. make sure you have some. The best entertainment for the boys.
  16. Have in door and outdoor toys otherwise your caravan will get trashed.
  17. Check the kids bed windows are closed before going to bed. Aiden has a huge habit of opening them then falling asleep. He then either wakes up early because he is cold or his bed gets wet because of the rain.
  18. Make sure you put your support legs up on the caravan, we had some people next to us that did not do this and ripped one off at Three Ways, NT.
  19. Snacks ... the boys love cereal snacks like Wetbix Bites, a great way to fill those tummies on longer trips.
  20. Tub - make sure you have one about 35 x 20cm. We use a rectangle one. It is great to put under the drain pipes so you don't have to conect your drain hose, also good for rinsing off your feet when you have been at the beach.